Understand How to Buy a Vehicle From a Dealership Without Feeling Like You Just Went To The Dentist 

Remove the stress of buying an automobile by understanding the components that make up the deal. Feel confident you will feel good about your purchase, and be confident in your interactions with the selling dealership. Walk away excited about your new vehicle and the deal you made.

Do you think buying a car from an auto dealership is a daunting task that brings anxiety and mistrust?


Are you worried you’ll be taken advantage of, or have you actually experienced this in a previous purchase?


This course will teach you what you need to know so you feel good about the entire car-buying experience.


By spending some time learning the information provided in this course you may save Hundreds to Thousands of $$$$ and feel in control of the purchase process because you will have the same knowledge as the person on the other side of the desk that is selling to you. 

If you are still unsure about your budget, or if you want a new, pre-owned (used), or certified pre-owned, vehicle type or brand, it is recommended that you review our course I Want to Buy a New Vehicle, What Should I Get?

If you have already made a decision on the vehicle you want to purchase, starting with this course is perfect for you.

You will learn about the expectations of the sales process at the dealership. You will learn what the dealer will do and say.  Knowing this will help you control the process and not get confused. You will learn what they will say to you, and how to respond. We will even provide you with some scripts of possible conversations that could occur. Understanding this early in the process will make sense why you are learning the steps taught in this course.

After you have decided on the vehicle you want or at least narrowed down your choices, you will learn how to be more accurate with what your new or used vehicle is going to cost. Please keep in mind this is just the price you will pay for the vehicle. Later in the course, we will teach you about the other items involved with the overall costs of this purchase.

The next important part of buying a vehicle is finding out what your trade-in vehicle is worth if you are trading in your current vehicle. 

Another critical decision is to decide if you will buy the vehicle or lease it. You will learn the pros and cons of both options to help you decide.

After you have decided to buy or lease, the course will teach you how the financial aspects fall into place for both leasing and financing the purchase. Understanding these financial details, you will know exactly what the costs will be and how they are determined. 

At this point in the purchase process, you are probably working with a different person at the dealership, than the person that helped you pick out and decide on a specific vehicle and gave you prices for the vehicle you have chosen to purchase. This is the part of the purchase where people start to feel uncomfortable. By taking this course we will help you relieve that stress by ensuring you know exactly what is happening at each step.

When you are in this phase of the process the dealer refers to this as putting the customer in the box. WOW, that sounds so horrible. It won’t be for you, because you will know exactly what to expect. 

In the box, you are now dealing with a person at the dealership known as the F & I Manager (finance and insurance) or business manager. This person's job is to set up your lease or purchase financing. They will then explain insurance protections for the financial aspects of the deal. This course will prepare you to know what insurance you need if any at all.

The F & I manager will also present products and services to help make your ownership experience customized for you and your needs. You will be presented with extended warranty options, maintenance options, and the ability to purchase other vehicle amenities that can be added to customize your vehicle to your taste and needs. This course will explain all of this in detail so you understand what it all is and how to understand the costs associated with all these choices. This is where so many people’s anxiety kicks in because it can be overwhelming. This course will remove the anxiety because you will understand this entire process. 

The last part of the deal is when the dealer shows you the paperwork for everything you are purchasing. This will include the vehicle cost, minus your trade-in, plus any of the extras you decided to buy from the F & I manager. In many cases, this is the first time you will see more fees that are associated with the purchase. These fees include Doc or Dealer fees, DMV or vehicle registration, plus sales and possibly use tax if your state or county has those taxes. Once again this is a high anxiety point since all these new costs are added at the end. It is very possible that none of this was discussed yet. This is why people sometimes feel stress, anxiety, and mistrust when buying a car. The last part of the deal creates frustration. 

The last part of the course will provide you with the tools to tie everything together and help you keep track of all the steps in the process. This will be your worksheet to help make sure you don’t forget anything and end up with no surprises. 

 This is how I help car buyers overcome the fear of purchasing their vehicle, by understanding the language and tactics used, and give them the peace of mind and confidence, to feel good about buying a vehicle.


Expected launch date January 2024
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